The trademark is one of the figures included within the branch of industrial property, which in turn is part of the legal discipline of intellectual property. In order to enter into the subject that concerns us, let us begin by defining what a trademark is. To do so, we cite the...
“The Legal Protection of the Brand in the Digital Environment”
Antes de abordar el tema central de este artículo, es necesario señalar con exactitud en que área se ubica este importante tema. Con ese fin, diremos que la Propiedad intelectual, es el área del Derecho que abarca dos importantes áreas como son: la Propiedad...
"The social and business importance of Intellectual Property"
Intellectual Property is the branch of Public Law that contains regulations to protect everything that concerns the creations produced by the human mind. It is the discipline that protects original literary, artistic or scientific creations expressed in a...